The Process We Implement.
Your next step to alignment, clarity, and breakthrough.
How we help teams get aligned, effective, and healthy:
Gain Alignment
It's challenging to accelerate results if the team is perpetually misaligned or confused about where they're going, why, and how to contribute.
The System & Soul Framework addresses this issue head-on. During your System & Soul Journey, you will evaluate areas of misalignment and address them directly—everything from people's roles in your organization to how teams execute plans weekly, quarterly, and annually.
Build Effective Systems
No matter how big and beautiful the vision is, we always fall to the level of our systems. The System & Soul Framework provides teams with proven, reliable tools to begin building the infrastructure, consistency, and habits that help organizations prepare for scale.
You'll clarify how your team operates weekly and quarterly, define goals, and evaluate results.
Growing With Soul
Growing your business doesn't have to sacrifice soul for efficiency. Our approach provides both great systems and a focus on people.
We bring clarity and dignity to your team as you improve and align your systems. We work with you to increase team health, improve communication, develop leaders, and live out your collective culture.
The Journey
[ Our Journey is recommended as two years of collaboration with a coach through our operating framework and tools. ]
Step 1:
Evaluate key areas of growth and strength in your business.
Meet with one of our team members directly to discuss the challenges and opportunities you're facing today and your vision for where you want to go.
Step 2:
Find out if we’re the right coach for your unique business.
We will evaluate your business's current challenges and opportunities for free in one of our tailored workshops.
Step 3:
Gain Clarity & Control [Day 1 Session]
In your first session with us, you'll learn tools to help your team execute with greater confidence and have in-depth discussions to uncover areas of ambiguity and misalignment.
Examine your team for role "F.I.T."
Create a clear, functioning Org. Chart and Scoreboard
Establish a weekly meeting cadence
Create a system for solving challenges and sharing opportunities
Develop focus around your top initiatives
Step 4:
Gain Clarity & Control [Day 30-31 Session]
About a month after your first session, we will host a two-day session focused on unifying the team around the company Road Map.
During these two days, you will:
Articulate the long-term vision and goals of the organization.
Build out your unique "equation" to get your desired culture.
Set a new lens around what differentiates your business.
Clarify the focus and key driver of your business.
Step 5:
Every 90 Days
After your initial three session days, you'll continue to meet with us once a quarter. During these sessions, you and your team will build momentum around crucial habits, work to improve team dynamics, and map plans for the next quarter.
Every 90 days, you will:
Tackle significant obstacles as a unified team.
Set your focus for the next quarter
Work together to build healthier team habits.
Ongoing Coaching
Accelerate Your Growth
Growth takes grace, truth, and time. The most effective leaders focus not just on what they do, but on who they become. Leaders need someone in their corner—a coach who serves as both advocate and guide. Our personalized coaching provides the support and accountability necessary for meaningful transformation—helping you become the leader your business, family, and life deserve.
This coaching goes beyond quarterly sessions, with regular touchpoints through biweekly calls, individual coaching, or peer groups. It’s designed for leaders who want to maximize their growth and unlock their full potential—not just in business, but in every area of life.
It’s possible to win at work and at life.
Our mission is clear: to guide you and your business toward better destinations, fostering both professional growth and personal fulfillment. At Tailwinds Group, we're more than coaches; we're your partners in steering toward success without sacrificing well-being.